We adopted 2 pups from a local animal shelter and tomorrow they return to get their stitches out. They got neutered last week. Titan has grown to love them and this morning I found all three of them sleeping together in the dog house. I was afraid Titan would be jealous and worried we would have trouble introducing them to each other but they have been great. I can't believe my little chocolate love is already 3 years old, and the two puppies are barely 4 months old, but man are they growing fast.
This weather is driving me crazy. My herb garden is not too happy with the colder weather. My basil looks so sad and the parsley is dying. The only thing that doesn't mind the colder temperature is the rosemary, which is cool because basil and rosemary are the two that I pick at the most. And I started a little cacti garden! It's my favorite. I bought a few from Home Depot and I love them even though they have FAKE flowers hot glued to the tops of them. I did buy a few that have real flowers and one has started to bloom bright pink - looks so pretty. I will take pics today.
One of our outdoor cats captured a gigantic mouse. I'm not even sure if it was a mouse, it looked more like a fat white hamster. I must have been somebody's pet. The other day there were about 20 hawks circling above. I'm guessing they were after the squirrels (and maybe the hamster/fat white mouse!?) I saw them chasing after a seagull, poor thing was screeching and trying it's best to get away but those hawks are CRAZY YO.