The other day I went to Barnes & Noble to buy books for class and I ended up buying art books too. They were having a sale and I bought 5 of them. I nearly had a heart attack when I got the total but I signed up for their membership thing and saved a few bucks so that made me feel a little better.
I also subscribed to a couple of knitting magazines.. haha. I bought some DPN's to knit some socks, this will be my first attempt at knitting socks. I bet the first pair will come out crooked but who cares, I'll still wear them. I didn't know Vanna White from Wheel of Fortune had her own yarn. I thought that was pretty funny.\
Meet the newest member of the family. The dogs have welcomed him into their pack and they all take turns kitty-sitting him. He's 6 weeks old, fluffy and so playful. "Blue"
Brother found this guy in the kitchen: